Thrawn's Revenge Wiki

The New Republic, known as the Republic, NR or as the Rebellion among some Imperials, is one of the main factions in Thrawn's Revenge. Though it starts out weak, it becomes progressively more powerful with each passing era.

After the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor, the Empire fractured, creating a power vacuum that allowed the small Rebel Alliance to claim many worlds. Established following the battle, the New Republic was founded on the same principles that guided the Old Republic for thousands of generations.

Government Mechanics[]

Chief of State Elections[]

The New Republic is led by a democratically elected leader, democratically elected by the player when the New Republic is controlled by them. Accessed from the Political Options tab on the construction bar, your selected Chief of State candidate will be elected to power on every tenth cycle, and if no new choices of Chief of State candidate are made, then your previously chosen candidate will win the election and continue their leadership. Each Chief of State offers a variety of galactic benefits and some have a few planet-specific benefits.

New Republic Chief of State Candidates
Candidate: Requirements: Effects:
Leia Organa SoloLeiaPortrait Always Present
  • All planets gain one influence level
Mon Mothma


Always Present
  • Additional Ship Crews (+15%)
  • Increased Frequency of Random Missions (+25%)
  • Chandrila's Influence Maxed
Borsk Fey'lya


Always Present
  • Bothan Spy Teams 50% cheaper and faster build time
  • Bothan Assault Cruisers 10% cheaper and faster build time (stacks with other bonuses)
  • Bothawui's influence maxed
  • Grants access to Bothan Assault Cruiser research (available in 9 ABY)
  • Disables Ackbar as a Command Staff option
  • Unlocks Traest Kre'fey as a Command Staff option
Ponc Gavrisom


Always Present
  • All influence units unlocked at any influence level
Sian Tevv


Always Present
  • SoroSuub units 15% cheaper and faster build time (5% stacks with other bonuses)
  • Some fighters are replaced by Drexl Starfighters on Quasar, BAC, Republic Star Destroyer, Majestic, Defender Carrier, Bulwark-III, Home One, and Viscount Prototype
  • Sullust's influence maxed
  • Enables Bulwark-III but temporarily locks Home One Type (Mediator research locks both Bulwark-III and Home One Type)
  • Unlocks Syub Snunb as a Command Staff option
Jenssar SoBilles


Always Present
  • All units created 15% faster
  • Duro's influence maxed
  • Unlocks Kir Vantai as a Command Staff option
Navik the Red


Always Present
  • Defensive ground and space structures 20% cheaper
  • Rodia's influence maxed
Viqi Shesh


Available on Kuat-only, 12 ABY+

Command Staff[]

The New Republic has a wide array of military commanders available to it, both among their Navy and their Army. One of their key government mechanics to manage this is the New Republic Command Staff, a system of assigning heroes to the player to command their Naval Forces and their Ground Armies. This is represented by four separate Command Staffs, divided into their Naval Command Staff, their Army Command Staff, their Fighter Heroes, and Active Jedi. The New Republic can have 4 Heroes on their Naval Command Staff, 3 on their Army Command Staff, and 1 on their Active Jedi Roster, with all Fighter Heroes being active and able to be assigned to various Naval Heroes depending on who is in their active command staff. Upon completing the New Class Modernization Project Phase II research, the New Republic unlocks an additional Naval Command Staff slot, as well as several new heroes. Upon building the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV in 11 ABY Month 4, the New Republic unlocks an additional Active Jedi slot, as well as several new heroes.

Naval Command Staff[]

New Republic Naval Command Staff
Hero Name: Traits: Flagship: Description: Special Notes:
Gial AckbarAckbarPortrait
  • Command Tier I (Space)
  • Wary of Traps
  • Administrator (-25%, Capital Ships)
Gial Ackbar was a well-regarded military commander who held a prominent position within the New Republic as one of its top leaders. Despite the adversities he faced during his enslavement by Grand Moff Tarkin, Ackbar utilized this opportunity to extensively study Imperial tactics. This knowledge proved to be invaluable to the New Republic, as Ackbar's mastery of tactics and strategic planning led to numerous victories against seemingly insurmountable odds. Locked/Despawned by Borsk Fey'lya as Chief of State
Firmus NantzNantzPortrait
  • Command Tier II (Space)
Firmus Nantz was one of the New Republic's top admirals although he was deliberately kept out of the public eye due his caustic demeanor and blunt statements. He masterminded the First Fleet's liberation of the Western Reaches and the southern Core. Nantz went on to become the senior flag officer of the Home Fleet.
Garm Bel Iblis GarmBelIblisPortrait
  • Command Tier II (Space)
Garm Bel Iblis is a Corellian military commander and a founding member of the Rebel Alliance. Disputes with Rebel leader Mon Mothma led Bel Iblis to wage a separate war against the Empire using Dreadnaughts acquired from the Katana Fleet. He rejoined the New Republic during the Thrawn Crisis. Unlocked in 9 ABY
Etahn A'bahtAbahtPortrait
  • Command Tier II (Space)
Etahn A'baht is a Dornean General who has served in the navy of the New Republic since the days of the Rebellion, and he was one of the commanders present at the battle of Endor. With the creation of the New Class ships, A'baht was assigned to the Fifth Fleet. Requires New Class Modernization Project Phase II research
Traest Kre'feyKrefeyPortrait
  • Command Tier II (Space)
  • Aggressive
  • Creative
The grandson of disgraced general Laryn Kre'fey, Traest Kre'fey utilizes unique tactics due to his unorthodox Bothan education. Requires Borsk Fey'lya as Chief of State & Bothan Assault Cruiser research, Unlocked in 12 ABY
Octavian GrantGrantPortrait
  • Command Tier II (Space)
  • Aloof
  • Cautious
Octavian Grant was a Tapani nobleman and one of the original circle of twelve Grand Admirals appointed by Emperor Palpatine. Grant saw himself as superior to those not of the nobility, and held a particular dislike for droids and other species, he despised Thrawn. After Endor Grant joined Grand Moff Ardus Kaine in the Pentastar Alignment, but held reservations about remaining there. Unlocked in 10+ ABY starts
Sien SovvSovvPortrait
  • Command Tier III (Space)
  • Defensive
Born to a large family on Sullust, Sien Sovv joined the New Republic Defense Force and acquired a reputation as an excellent organizer. He took charge of First Fleet elements to defend his homeworld from Sander Delvardus. Sovv eventually became Supreme Commander of the New Republic Forces under the Fey'lya administration.
Willham BurkeBurkePortrait
  • Command Tier III (Space)
Known as a competent admiral held in high regard, Willham Burke helped train several of the Rebel Alliance's fighter squadrons. In the New Republic's campaign to Coruscant, Burke was placed in charge of the Third Fleet along with Kalback, and defeated Treuten Teradoc's task force at Togoria. Burke would then push to Chazwa, where following a series of raids and feints between the two ended in Okins' destruction at Colla. The following year Burke with Brenn Tantor seized Reytha, Gyndine, and Commendor from the Empire.
Voon MassaMassaPortrait
  • Command Tier III (Space)
  • Lucrehulk Auxiliary Warship, Castellum (can be upgraded to Battle Carrier)
A Duros admiral who was given command of the Fourth Fleet after Endor, with Chel Dorat as second in command. Massa won a series of victories across the Corellian Run, including the decisive battle of Denon where the admiral perished. Locked in Era 3 Starts, can be swapped with Chel Dorat in Era 1-2 Starts.
Chel DoratDoratPortrait
  • Command Tier III (Space)
Dorat was a strong supporter of Chancellor Palpatine in the latter days of the Old Republic, but was appalled by the New Order. After failed attempts to change the system, he defected to the Rebel Alliance. Despite his daughter informing the ISB of his plans, he eventually became an important Rebel and New Republic commander. Can be swapped with Voon Massa in Era 1-2 Starts
Turk BrandBrandPortrait
  • Command Tier III (Space)
  • Unpredictable
Turk Brand is a capable cruiser commander who was viewed with suspicion by senior officers due his reliance on hunches and feelings. His conservative military doctrine aligned him with Sien Sovv. Requires New Class Modernization Project Phase II research
  • Command Tier III (Space)
Nammo was a Mon Calamari Admiral in the Alliance fleet. He and his flagship, the Defiance, were present at Endor. Unlocks as a Naval Command Staff option after Ackbar's death
  • Command Tier III (Space)
Raddus was from the polar regions of Mon Calamari, and proved himself as a gifted military leader as tensions rose between the Empire and his world. He was quick to join the Rebel Alliance and soon became one of its most important commanders. Requires "Canon Units" button to be enabled from the Advanced Options menu.
Hera SyndullaSyndullaPortrait
  • Command Tier III (Space)
The daughter of a Twi'lek general, Hera had a long history with the Rebellion. She formed her own small group on Lothal before joining and eventually leading Phoenix Cell, going on to be a key member of the Alliance. Requires "Canon Units" button to be enabled from the Advanced Options menu.
Adar TallonTallonPortrait
  • Command Tier IV (Space)
  • Ace Pilot
Adar Tallon was a starfighter tactician who served the Republic in the Clone Wars, famously creating the "Tallon Roll" maneuver. Tallon served the Empire briefly before speaking out against Palpatine, and would feign his death to escape it before settling on Tatooine. Years later when an Imperial patrol was spotted, Tallon thought his time was up, and vowed to fight the Empire before joining the Rebel Alliance proper. He would go on to develop starfighter tactics for the Rebellion and New Republic, lending his valuable experience to the nascent government. Fighter Override: Doubles A-wing counts on New Republic carriers.
Hiram DraysonDraysonPortrait
  • Command Tier IV (Space)
Born on Chandrila, Hiram Drayson began his career as an admiral of the Chandrila Defense Fleet. Drayson became acquainted with Senator Mon Mothma during his tenure, and when Chandrila was subjugated to the Empire he was put in charge of her command ship. Drayson was briefly placed in command of the New Republic's Second Fleet, and then of Coruscant's defense fleet following its liberation. While he fared poorly against Thrawn, Drayson would later be placed in charge of the Alpha Blue intelligence organization, where his experience would prove beneficial.
  • Command Tier IV (Space)
  • MC80 Justice Carrier-pattern, Justice
An old, distant pod-cousin of the famous Admiral Ackbar. Temporarily placed in a New Republic command position but expected to retire relatively soon.
Han SoloGeneralSoloPortrait
  • Command Tier IV (Land/Space)
  • Hero of Endor
  • Risk Taker
A smuggler turned hero duo. Flying aboard Han's beloved freighter the Millennium Falcon, the two are able to undertake covert missions undetected despite the age of their vessel. The two support the New Republic with their devious cunning and advanced modifications of questionable legality. Han Solo can be placed in Naval Command Staff at Tier 3+ Shipyard, locked in 9 ABY. Unlocked in 12 ABY if in orbit of Tier 3+ Shipyard with Etahn A'baht present in orbit.
Lando CalrissianGeneralCalrissianPortrait
  • Command Tier IV (Land/Space)
  • Hero of Endor
  • Risk Taker
Famous for his defense of Taanab, Lando Calrissian served as Baron Administrator of Cloud City and joined the Rebellion when the Empire occupied it. Since bringing down the second Death Star Lando continues to aid the New Republic while retaining a love of adventure and profit. Lando can be swapped between the Naval and Army Command Staff;

Lady Luck's Fortune: Lando respawns as an infantry hero after his death

Kir VantaiVantaiPortrait
  • Command Tier IV (Space)
Kir Vantai was a Duros officer serving in the New Republic forces. He often served with Areta Bell with particular distinction against the Ciutric Hegemony. Requires Jenssar SoBilles as Chief of State.
  • Command Tier V (Space)
Mon Calamari officer who served in the New Republic Navy as part of the Second Fleet under Hiram Drayson.
Areta BellAretaPortrait
  • Command Tier V (Space)
  • Cautious
Areta Bell captained one of the last transports to evacuate Echo Base, escorted by Luke Skywalker and fellow Corellian Wedge Antilles. She proved to be a successful commander in the New Republic, acquitting herself well in the campaign against Delak Krennel. Bell was given later command of the Endurance, one of the first New Class warships. Requires New Class Modernization Project Phase II research
Syub SnunbSnunbPortrait
  • Command Tier V (Space)
A Sullustan naval commander who sided with the Rebel Alliance against the Imperial-aligned forces running his homeworld. Requires Sian Tevv as Chief of State.

Army Command Staff[]

New Republic Army Command Staff
Hero Name: Traits: Command Unit: Description:
Brenn Tantor


  • Command Tier II (Land)
Modified TR-MB Brenn Tantor was the foremost pupil of Imperial Grand General Malcor Brashin, who trained him to command with the Battlefield Holograhic Control Interface. Rapidly rising through the ranks, the young general would earn the favour of Darth Vader, and be placed in command of the ground assault on Echo Base. However, after his brother Dellis revealed the truth about their father's death and other events which shook Tantor, he would defect to the Rebel Alliance. He'd go on to be crucial in the Battle of Endor and led the New Republic's campaigns to liberate the Core Worlds, culminating with Tantor leading the assault on Coruscant itself.
Tyr Taskeen


  • Command Tier III (Land)
MPTL-2a Originally a starship dealer, Tyr Taskeen joined the Rebel Alliance when the Empire nationalized his company and enslaved his non-human employees. Despite lacking a military education, Taskeen's skills in administration would impress the Alliance to the point that he was promoted to General. During Taskeen's invasion of Abridon, he would contact and eventually persuade Imperial General Brenn Tantor into defecting. Taskeen would help plan the assault on the shield generator at Endor, and in the following campaigns would successfully drive off Sander Delvardus from Glova and Glom Tho's surface. When the New Republic invaded Coruscant, Taskeen helped manage the assault, and when the battle was won celebrated with Brenn and his liberated brother Dellis.
Crix Madine


  • Command Tier III (Land)
  • Creative
A-A70 Command Speeder Founder of the feared Storm Commandos, Commander Crix Madine was once one of the most notorious men in the Empire, and set to marry into the highest echelons of Coruscanti society. However, he defected to the Alliance after being ordered to release the Candorian plague, wiping out an entire planet. In this act of defiance, Madine lost everything: his career, his prestige, and his marriage. Despite years commanding Alliance Spec Ops, Madine has never escaped the guilt for his crimes.
Beri Tulon


  • Command Tier IV (Land)
AT-AT Walker Beri Tulon is an ex-Imperial officer who used to work directly under Malcor Brashin. He was Tantor's superior for a while, and heavily impressed upon the young general the concept of a soldier's honor. Eventually he grew disillusioned with the Empire and chose to defect, but was captured by Tantor. Ironically Tantor would free Tulon after his own desertion, and both would go on to serve the Rebel Alliance and New Republic.
Duron Veertag


  • Command Tier IV (Land)
  • Creative
Aratech Battle Platform Duron Veertag served as a Major at the Massassai Base during the Battle of Yavin, and was later station at Arba Station as a general. During his tenture there, he presides over the trial of Commander Luke Skywalker for the apparent death of Captain Shira Brie under friendly fire, and found him innocent.
Tigran Jamiro


  • Command Tier V (Land)
  • Administrator (-10%, Ground Units)
A9 Floating Fortress Tigran Jamiro was a Rebel Logistics officer from Onderon who served on Dantooine and Hoth. He bet against General Han Solo surviving the night, and was proven wrong. By the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War he had risen to the rank of General and served in the Invasion of Ylesia with Lowbacca and Jaina Solo.
Rogar Garret


  • Command Tier V (Land)
  • Administrator (-10%, Ground Units)
SoroSuub Command Speeder, 3x SoroSuub Command Speeder (Escorts) The ranking officer of Vilonis Sector, General Garret was a methodical commander who spent much thought on why his enemies did what they did and how he could channel their actions to his advantage.


  • Command Tier IV (Land)
  • Stealth
A-A5 Speeder Truck General Kryll was once the commander of an Imperial army unit. However, when the Death Star blew up Alderaan, he defected and took command of the local Rebel forces. He was assigned to the Atrivis Sector Command where he served as the chief lieutenant to Tavira Chan and hlped turn their battered sector armies into the Alliance Special Forces. During the Thrawn Campaign, he hlped to evacuate Atrivis Command when Thrawn assaulted Generis.
Lando CalrissianLandoPortrait
  • Command Tier IV (Land/Space)
  • Hero of Endor
  • Risk Taker
  • Commercial Acumen (+20%)
  • Stealth
On Ground: Infantry

In Space: Modified SoroSuub 3000 Luxury Yacht, Lady Luck

Famous for his defense of Taanab, Lando Calrissian served as Baron Administrator of Cloud City and joined the Rebellion when the Empire occupied it. Since bringing down the second Death Star Lando continues to aid the New Republic while retaining a love of adventure and profit.
Airen Cracken


  • Command Tier IV (Space)
  • Administrator (-10%, All)
  • Spy Master
Heavy Tracker General Airen Cracken was a resistance fighter from Contruum and ended up joining the Rebellion during the Galactic Civil War. When the Rebellion became the New Republic, Cracken took command of New Republic Intelligence and during the New Republic's Liberations Campaign between 4-6 ABY, he oversaw Shadow Operations, a collection of Sabotage, Disinformation & Assassination missions. Over the next few years he would be replaced several times due to mainly political agendas; however each time was brief as his replacements would either be killed in combat or retire.
Vin Northal

Vin NorthalPortrait

  • Stealth
Infantry Vin Northal was a former member of the Emperor's Royal Guard and an exemplar of Imperial service. While on customary rotation with a stormtrooper unit, Vin led an assault on a Rebel cell under cover of darkness, but faulty ISB Intelligence had, in reality, led them to an orphanage. His soldiers would murder dozens of children in their sleep, an act Vin would be horrified by as it was covered up by Imperial media. Seeing the truth of the Empire, Vin would surrender to the Rebel Alliance requesting asylum, which his former commander, Crix Madine, supported him in. Vin would go on to be one of the Alliance's foremost operatives and SpecForce trainers, and would once save the Alliance council from an Imperial assault singlehandedly.

Fighter Heroes[]

New Republic Starfighter Heroes
Hero Name: Traits: Squadron: Flagship Deployments: Description: Special Notes:
Wedge Antilles WedgePortrait
  • Command Tier II (Space)
  • Hero of Endor
  • Ace Pilot
Rogue Squadron (X-wings in space, T-47s on ground) After the victory of the Rebellion over the Galactic Empire at Endor, Wedge quickly advanced through the ranks of the growing New Republic navy. He is a skilled fighter pilot and an innovative commander. Locks with Wedge Antilles - Lusankya Upgrade
Tycho Celchu


  • Ace Pilot
Rogue Squadron (X-wings in space, V-wings on ground) Tycho Celchu joined the Rebel Alliance as a fighter pilot after the Death Star destroyed his home planet of Alderaan. His skill as a New Republic pilot is rivaled only by Wedge Antilles and Luke Skywalker. Unlocks with Wedge Antilles - Lusankya Upgrade
Ranulf Trommer


  • Ace Pilot
Seer Squadron, Shielded TIE Interceptor Squadron Son of an Imperial Admiral, Ranulf Trommer was an experienced TIE Pilot. He would gain acclaim for the Battle of Aguarl 3 which saw him destroyer a Rebel base with a single bomber. Ranulf would be sent by Grand Moff Hauser to spy on Governor Grigor of M'haeli, but while there he fell in love with Mora, a woman who supported the rebels. While Ranulf at first hoped the Empire's evils were only caused by corrupt men like Grigor, he would come to see the Empire itself as unjust during his time on M'haeli. Ranulf would escape with Mora when Hauser attempted to execute her, declaring his intention to join the Rebel Alliance to the eager acceptance of Leia Organa.
Horton Salm


  • Command Tier III (Space)
  • Ace Pilot
Guardian Squadron, Y-wing Squadron Colonel Salm led Grey Squadron at the Battle of Endor and worked closely with Rogue Squadron during the campaigns against Pestage, Isard, and Krennel. In contrast to the Rogues' flashy heroics, Salm believes in the importance of training and cohesion. Salm is well-known to prefer flying Y-wings over newer craft, due to their durability.

Active Jedi[]

New Republic Active Jedi Roster
Hero Name: Traits: Description:
Kyle KatarnKatarnPortrait
  • Force Sensitive
  • Stealth
Kyle Katarn is a former Imperial commando who defected to the Alliance when he discovered the Empire were the ones that killed his father. His notable early acts for the Rebellion include capturing portions of the Death Star plans and destroying Rom Mohc's Dark Trooper program. Kyle would discover his father's Jedi heritage over time, learning the ways of the Force and overcoming foes such as the Dark Jedi Jerec and Desann. He would eventually end up teaching at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum.
Mara JadeMaraJadePortrait
  • Force Sensitive
  • Spy
Once known as the Emperor's Hand, Mara Jade has renounced the Empire and is now a Jedi under the tutelage of Luke Skywalker. She remains deadly in combat, and her abilities have only grown in the time since the Emperor's death.
  • Force Sensitive
  • Stealth
Cilghal is a Mon Calamari Jedi Master who served the New Jedi Order and was a former New Republic Senator. She was among the first students at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum and a skilled healer. Cilghal would take a young female Chadra-Fan apprentice, Tekli. Cilghal would later become a member of the Jedi High Council and be one of the most skilled member in the healing arts.
Corran HornHornPortrait
  • Force Sensitive
  • Spy
One of the first members of the reformed Jedi Order, Corran Horn is a powerful Force-user and skilled pilot. He is very accomplished with a lightsaber but lacks the ability to use telekinesis.


While the New Republic has access to a variety of heroes through its Command Staff mechanic, a number of heroes in the New Republic's roster are not tied to this mechanic.

New Republic Heroes
Hero Name: Traits: Combat Unit: Description: Special Notes:
Mon Mothma


  • Administrator (-25%, All)
N/A Mon Mothma, a native of Chandrila, was a female Human who served as an important political figure from the waning days of the Galactic Republic, one of the founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the first Chief of State of the New Republic. Despawns in 9 ABY
Leia Organa Solo


  • Command Tier IV (Land/Space)
  • Hero of Endor
  • Force Sensitive
  • Administrator (-20%, All)
Infantry, 1x Noghri Death Commando Squad (Escort, 10+ ABY) Princess Leia Organa was a member of the Imperial Senate under close supervision by His Imperial Majesty due to her being the adopted daughter of Bail Organa. She was a very skilled politician as well as one of the leaders of the Rebellion. Spawns in 9 ABY
Ponc Gavrisom


  • Administrator (-20%, All)
N/A A Calibop Senator who served the New Republic as a member of Leia Organa Solo's coalition. Ponc Gavrisom has a reputation as a calm, if verbose, negotiator with a bevy of supporters including the Wookiee Chewbacca. Gavrisom was elected following the Corellian Insurrection to fulfil the rest of Leia's term as Chief of State, and would preside over it during the Caamas Crisis. Once the crisis was settled, he would be one of the signatories of the eponymous Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty that would end the Galactic Civil War with the remnants of the Empire after decades of conflict. Spawns in 12 ABY
Luke SkywalkerSkywalkerPortrait
  • Command Tier IV (Land/Space)
  • Hero of Endor
  • Force Sensitive
  • Stealth
On Ground: Infantry (Jedi)

In Space: X-wing Starfighter, AA-589

Once a farm boy from Tatooine, Luke Skywalker trained under Jedi Master Yoda to become the first of a new generation of Jedi Knights.
Han Solo & ChewbaccaHan ChewbaccaPortrait
  • Command Tier IV (Land/Space)
  • Hero of Endor
  • Risk Taker
On Ground: Infantry

In Space: Modified YT-1300 Freighter, Millennium Falcon

A smuggler turned hero duo. Flying aboard Han's beloved freighter the Millennium Falcon, the two are able to undertake covert missions undetected despite the age of their vessel. The two support the New Republic with their devious cunning and advanced modifications of questionable legality.
Talon Karrde KarrdePortrait
  • Commercial Acumen (+20%)
Illegally Modified Action VI Transport, Wild Karrde An information broker and smuggler who took over Jorj Car'das' smuggling organization. Talon Karrde, despite the illicit nature of his work, is an honest and honorable man. He was drawn into the Galactic Civil War in the Thrawn Campaign where he made an enemy of the Grand Admiral. Karrde would form a coalition of his allies that would become the Smuggler's Alliance and cooperated with the New Republic. Spawns in 9 ABY
Booster Terrik BoosterPortrait
  • Commercial Acumen (+50%)
Modified Imperial-II Star Destroyer, Errant Venture A very influential smuggler, Booster Terrik runs his organization from the Star Destroyer Errant Venture, which, while not perfectly maintained, is far powerful than any other smuggling vessel. Can be upgraded to a Modified ISD-II (19 ABY Month 6)
Uwlla Iillor


None Immobilizer 418 Cruiser, Corusca Rainbow Uwila Iillor was an Imperial who persevered through the Empire's bigotry enough to earn a post as captain of the Black Asp, an Immobilizer 418 Cruiser. Her service record under the Empire marked her as a resourceful commander as well as able to think outside the box. Uwlla would engage in several skirmishes against the New Republic and Rogue Squadron in particular, but constant interference from her superiors would prompt Uwlla and her crew to defect. Uwlla and her ship, renamed Corusca Rainbow, would quickly earn the trust of their new allies and served the New Republic with distinction. Spawns in 6 ABY
Wedge Antilles WedgeLusankyaPortrait
  • Command Tier II (Space)
  • Hero of Endor
  • Ace Pilot
Executor Star Dreadnought, Lusankya After the victory of the Rebellion over the Galactic Empire at Endor, Wedge quickly advanced through the ranks of the growing New Republic navy. He is a skilled fighter pilot and an innovative commander. Can be built in 9 ABY+ starts, or after Isard's defeat in earlier starts


The New Republic has one of the largest naval rosters in Thrawn's Revenge, with a wide variety of units in all eras and research options and a navy that evolves over time. Beginning in 4 ABY, the New Republic Navy is largely built upon the back of older starships used during the Rebellion with a few new vessels such as the MC80B Star Cruiser. As the years progress, certain parts of the roster will lock as a result of time progression with new units replacing them, while other roster changes require investment into research options.

The New Republic uses the standard shipyard system, building Light, Heavy, Capital, or Dreadnought Shipyards. The New Republic Navy is a jack of all trades faction, not relying heavily on any one playstyle and allowing for a large variety of fleet builds. Early fleets will rely on MC80B Cruisers and the larger MC80 Home One Type and Bulwark-III Battlecruiser for tanking, while an array of heavy and light frigates can deal the most damage under the cover of these heartier ships.

Midway through the Galactic Civil War at 10 ABY, the MC90 Star Cruiser will unlock and provide the New Republic their counterpart to the Imperial Star Destroyer, and can have fleets built around them in a likewise manner. In 10 ABY, the New Class Modernization Project can be completed in two phases, ending with older ships like the Corellian Corvette & Gunship, Nebulon-B, Quasar Fire, and Liberator Cruiser being retired in favor of newer ships like the Agave, Warrior, Sacheen, Hajen, Corona, Belarus, Majestic, Defender, Nebula, and Endurance vessels, which are major improvements over the aged out ships. Around this same time, the mighty Viscount Star Defender can be researched, providing the New Republic their answer to the Empire's many Super Star Destroyers.

In later eras, at 22 ABY, the Mediator Battlecruiser and Mon Calamari Heavy Carrier research unlocks, allowing the New Republic to retire the aging Home One and Bulwark-III Battlecruiser with the most advanced offerings from the Mon Calamari Shipyards.

To further enhance the strength of the Navy and give the New Republic some new starship options, the "Canon Units" option can be enabled from the Advanced Options menu to unlock both the MC75 Star Cruiser and the Starhawk Battleship for production at New Republic shipyards.

Buildable Space Roster[]

Light Frigate Shipyard Production[]

LightFrigateShipyard Icon Light Frigate Shipyard Production
Ship Icon: Ship Name: Description: Special Notes:
CR90 Icon CR90 Corvette The CR90 Corvette, commonly referred to as the Corellian corvette or the blockade runner, also known as an Alderaan cruiser, was a small, multi-purpose starship manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. It became popular with many governments and private organizations because of its versatile, modular design, allowing different weapon emplacements to be switched out with ease. Locks following completion of New Class Modernization Project 2
Agave Icon Agave Corvette The Agave serves as the dedicated anti-fighter picket and heavy recon unit of New Class fleets. Though vulnerable to fire by larger ships, their countermeasure suite can often let them observe undetected. Research Required: New Class Modernization Project 2 (10 ABY - Month 2)
DP20 Icon DP20 Gunship The DP20 Frigate, or Corellian Gunship, was one of the few dedicated warship designs produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation for the Republic fleet and was the most common member of the Corellian gunship product line. Though small and compact, it was fast and carried heavy firepower for a ship of its size and class, using the passenger space common in other CEC designs for additional combat systems. Locks following completion of New Class Modernization Project 2
Warrior Icon Warrior Gunship The counterpart to the Agave's picket role, the Warrior is designed to engage larger ships in packs with its heavy armament of turbolasers and missiles. Research Required: New Class Modernization Project 2 (10 ABY - Month 2)
Nebulon Icon Nebulon-B Frigate A Kuat-designed escort frigate originally intended to safeguard Imperial convoys against raids by early rebel groups. The design would become more popular within the Alliance Fleet due to its versatility and ease of acquisition. It is decently armed but structurally fragile due to the exposed spar. Locks following completion of New Class Modernization Project 1
NebulonTender Icon Nebulon-B Support Frigate A lightly armed support variant of the ubiquitous Nebulon-B Frigate. Locks following completion of New Class Modernization Project 1
CC700E Icon CC-7700/E A small interdictor that is the New Republic version of the CC-7700. Increased armor and improved weaponry have been added to make the ships less vulnerable to Imperial bombers.
I BUTTON GALLOFREE TRANSPORT Boarding Shuttle An assault transport loaded with marines for the capture of enemy ships.
Sacheen Icon Sacheen Light Escort A fast, flexible gunship that provides significant firepower for the size. The Sacheen is the first ship produced by the Republic's New Class Fleet Modernization Program and the counterpart of the Hajen Tender. Compared to the Corona-class frigate it is more suited to anti-ship work. Research Required: New Class Modernization Project 1 (9 ABY - Month 8)
Hajen Icon Hajen Fleet Tender Light fleet tender built on the same hull as the Sacheen escort. Research Required: New Class Modernization Project 1 (9 ABY - Month 8)
Corona Icon Corona Frigate The successor design to the popular Nebulon-series. It shows a shift in New Republic doctrine to battle-focused designs that rely heavily on logistical support and was an early member of the Defender Program. It can serve in an anti-ship and anti-fighter escort role or as a patrol and garrison vessel. Research Required: New Class Modernization Project 1 (9 ABY - Month 8)
QuasarFire icon Quasar Fire Escort Carrier A modified SoroSuub freighter that was redesigned by the Rebel Alliance to fulfil a light carrier role. This ship is particularly fragile and bears only a light armament of anti-starfighter laser turrets. Locks following completion of New Class Modernization Project 2
MC30c Icon MC30c Frigate A high-speed attack frigate able to defend itself from fighters while engaging larger vessels. The skeletal superstructure and light armor make it speedy but fragile, and it is best suited to hit-and-run attacks or flanking maneuvers. Locks following Modernization Event in 10 ABY - Month 1
Belarus Icon Belarus Cruiser Relative of the Strike-class Cruiser designed by Loronar as a political successor to the class for New Republic use. Improved durability comes at the cost of weaponry, modularity and versatility but fits better with New Republic crew considerations. Research Required: New Class Modernization Project 1 (9 ABY - Month 8)

Heavy Frigate Shipyard Production[]

HeavyFrigateShipyard Icon Heavy Frigate Shipyard Production
Ship Icon: Ship Name: Description: Special Notes:
MC40a Icon MC40a Light Cruiser A medium-sized Mon Calamari design that shares the same civilian origins as the majority of their Galactic Civil War vessels. Its well-rounded traits make it a very versatile and durable frigate that is able to perform most fleet duties well. Locks following Modernization Event in 10 ABY - Month 1
AssaultFrigate Icon Assault Frigate-I Originally intended as a way for the Rebel Alliance to make better use of crew-expensive Rendili Cruisers, the Assault Frigate began as a stripped-down hull with additional automation, leading to a fast and surprisingly efficient vessel. Several sidegrades and additional developments have led to the current generation of New Republic vessels, which are purpose-built, fast, well-armed, and fitted with enough shielding to make up for the loss of hull density.
Liberator Icon Liberator Cruiser A well-armed carrier produced to assist the Sullustan Home Guard in anti-pirate operation. Constructed using high-quality components, it is decently powerful for the size, and was considered one of the most advanced warships in the galaxy during the Galactic Civil War. Provides useful fire against enemy capitals but lacks anti-fighter weaponry. Locks following completion of New Class Modernization Project 2
DefenderCarrier Icon Defender Assault Carrier Durable but lightly armed carrier version of the Majestic Cruiser. One of the core concepts in the Defender Program before it was subsumed into the New Class Modernization Program. Research Required: New Class Modernization Project 2 (10 ABY - Month 2)
Majestic Icon Majestic Heavy Cruiser A state of the art New Class vessel intended to deal with larger Imperial designs, the Majestic was developed alongside the Defender-class Assault Carrier and brings a significant amount of firepower in a well-shielded and well-armored compact package. It Is best used to engage capitals alongside other larger vessels. Research Required: New Class Modernization Project 2 (10 ABY - Month 2)
Dauntless ICon Dauntless Heavy Cruiser A sleek and battle-ready SoroSuub cruiser design built on a luxury liner hull that dates to the high point of the Galactic Civil War. Being better armed than contemporary Mon Calamari designs has lead to a long service life, with the class remaining in use until the Vong War. An overall solid cruiser with no notable weaknesses.
BothanAssaultCruiser Icon Bothan Assault Cruiser A modern heavy weapons gunship designed to deliver pure, unadulterated firepower. It is impressively armed given its small profile and intended to fill the same role as the Victory-class Destroyers. It is significantly more effective than the craft it is intended to replace and is well suited to punching upwards. Research Required: Bothan Assault Cruiser Research (9 ABY - Month 2, Borsk Fey'lya as Chief of State required)
MC80Liberty Icon MC80 Liberty Star Cruiser An Alliance-era Mon Calamari starship retrofitted for action as a moderately armed ship of the line. The Liberty-type was originally designed for civilian use or to be converted into warships despite being built to civilian specifications. It is well protected due to Mon Calamari shield technologies and a large amount of redundant emitters, but it is lacking in firepower compared to similarly sized vessels. It is best used as a cheap or low-priority line cruiser until other options are available. Locks following Modernization Event in 10 ABY - Month 1
Mc75 Icon MC75 Star Cruiser Originally part of the Mon Calamari civilian fleet as transports and passenger liners, the MC75 became one of the first mainline capital ships the Rebel Alliance was able to field. Former domestic portions were refitted for combat duty, making the MC75 serve as a strong showcase for the value of the Mon Calamari fleet in the fight against the Empire. With proper support it can take on Imperial Star Destroyers, yet will quickly fold to larger ships on its own. Canon Unit: Enable Canon Units option from Advanced Options menu

Capital Shipyard Production[]

CapitalShipyard Icon Capital Shipyard Production
Ship Icon: Ship Name: Description: Special Notes:
MC80b Icon MC80b Star Cruiser A sturdy Mon Calamari star cruiser designed for the fledgling New Republic naval forces. Intended as an interim before other destroyer classes were ready for construction, it is still a marked improvement over the assorted MC80 and MC80a classes that preceded it. Its marked improvement in durability allows it to hold up under fire and allow bombers and frigates to engage occupied targets.
RepublicSD Icon Republic Star Destroyer A compact destroyer designed as a political move for improved New Republic ties with Rendili Star Drive. Smaller and more efficient than an Imperial-class due to having less complement and consumables space. Focuses more on firepower than durability compared to corresponding Mon Calamari vessels, but not to the extreme of the smaller Nebula-class successor. Research Required: Republic Star Destroyer Research (9 ABY - Month 4)
MC90 Icon MC90 Star Cruiser An advanced Mon Calamari star cruiser notable for being built to accommodate a crew of non-amphibious species. It was designed purely as a warship with a focus on heavy weapons and large hangars as a realistic assessment of the capabilities required to challenge an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. It is well suited to engaging enemy capital ships and carries significantly more firepower than an MC80b. Modernization Event: Unlocks in 10 ABY - Month 1
NebulaSD Icon Nebula Star Destroyer A modernized and compact Star Destroyer developed by the New Republic with a history in the Defender Program, supplanting the unpopular Republic-class. Very well armed for its size, the Nebula excels at destroying enemy capitals behind the coverage of more durable designs or from a flanking position. Despite the sheer firepower it is still less massive than even a Victory-class and does not hold up against vessels larger than itself in head to head combat. Research Required: New Class Modernization Project 2 (10 ABY - Month 2)
EnduranceSD Icon Endurance Star Destroyer A New Class fleet carrier with well-rounded defenses, the design has origins alongside the Nebula-class in the Defender Program before being rolled into the New Class Modernization Program. Following in the steps of the Rebel Alliance, the class represents a subtle New Republic strategic emphasis on fighter superiority rather than brute force. It is best kept in the rear of a formation for lack of firepower, but is more durable than the offense focused Nebula-class. Research Required: New Class Modernization Project 2 (10 ABY - Month 2)
MonMothmaSD Icon Mon Mothma Star Destroyer New specialist Imperial-class derivative named after a New Republic leader. Heavy line interdiction craft that features next-generation projectors without the visible bulbs found on other interdictors. Allows a similar combat capacity to an Imperial-I Star Destroyer with a weapons load based on its forerunner variants. Research Required: Mon Mothma Star Destroyer Research (12 ABY - Month 4, Viqi Shesh as Chief of State required)

Dreadnought Shipyard Production[]

DreadnoughtShipyard Icon Dreadnought Shipyard Production
Ship Icon: Ship Name: Description: Special Notes:
HomeOne Icon MC80 Home One Type Battlecruiser Originally long-range exploration and colony vessels, the largest Mon Calamari civilian ships became command cruiser and battlecarriers of the Rebel Alliance, some of the most powerful vessels that could be mustered against the Empire when converted. Most famously, Admiral Ackbar's Home One was the Rebel flagship at the Battle of Endor. Locks following Mediator Research
BulwarkIII Icon Bulwark-III Battlecruiser The Bulwark-III is the result of TransGalMeg building on the foundations of the earlier Mk. I and II from the Clone Wars with another considerable jump in size. The vessel initially found service with the Rebel Alliance and affiliated planetary forces and continued to serve in various roles in the galaxy through to at least the Yuuzhan Vong War. Locks following Mediator Research
Mediator Icon Mediator Battlecruiser Powerful Mon Calamari design developed alongside the Viscount Star Defender after the Black Fleet Crisis demonstrated the dangers of large ships in enemy hands. First deployed in the Osarian-Rhommamool conflict, Mediators went on to serve important roles in the Vong War. Research Required: Mediator Research (22 ABY - Month 6, available at Mon Calamari)
MCHeavyCarrier Icon Mon Calamari Heavy Carrier The Mon Calamari Heavy Carrier was a later Mon Calamari design that came alongside the Mediator. The Mon Cal Heavy Carriers main focus is fighter superiority, which is achieved with its extensive layout of hangars, capable of launching hundreds of fighters in an instant. It is, however, not to be mistaken as defenseless as it still has exceptional defensive systems capable of withstanding the largest of Star Destroyers. Research Required: Mon Calamari Heavy Carrier Research (22 ABY - Month 6, requires Mediator Research at Mon Calamari)
Viscount Icon Viscount Star Defender Envisioned as a counter to the many Super Star Destroyers still in Imperial hands, seen by Admiral Ackbar as the greatest threat to New Republic forces, the Viscount was the largest starship class ever constructed by the New Republic. Shorter and more massive than an Executor, superior Mon Calamari engineering enabled them to fit heavier armor and operate it with a substantially smaller crew than its progenitor. Research Required: Viscount Research (10 ABY - Month 8)
Starhawk Icon Starhawk-I Battleship The Battle of Endor birthed the New Republic from the Rebellion and gave the fledgling NR many Imperial Star Destroyers that were not capable of service while they were still in a major war with the Empire. The StarHawk was the solution with salvaged parts from the Endor ISDs being used to create the first new capital ship class of the New Republic. Starhawks would serve with distinction for what remained of the Galactic Civil War as some of the largest and strongest vessels in mainline use for the New Republic. Canon Unit: Enable Canon Units option from Advanced Options menu

Mission Reward/Starting Forces Unit[]

Ship Icon: Ship Name: Description: Special Notes:
MC30a Icon MC30a Frigate An early foray into Mon Calamari dedicated warship design, developed from the Loronar Strike Cruiser. Despite having some picket utility, it is best used for fire support.
AssaultFrigate2 Icon Assault Frigate-II A further development of the Mark I Assault Frigate secretly made by sympathetic Rendili engineers. Although a dangerous light warship capable of dealing and absorbing great damage, it is far more complex to create than the conversion process of its ubiquitous predecessor, and even with Rendili's support it has remained somewhat obscure.
Vic1SD Victory-I Star Destroyer A venerable heavy cruiser, the Republic-designed Star Destroyer is meant to complement the Venator-class by focusing on ship-to-ship combat and system defense. It has a powerful battery of missiles for firepower but is hindered by an archaic drive system. It is best used to deal damage to enemy ships with its missile payload and large gun array.
ISD1 Icon Imperial-I Star Destroyer Iconic large and dangerous multirole capital vessel. It is durable, well-armed with a variety of weapons, speedy for its size, and capable of carrying a respectable amount of fighters. Receives a good benefit from supporting carriers and escorts, and functions well in almost any fleet composition. Reward Unit for Conquer Planet Missions
HomeOneLiner Icon Home One Exploration Cruiser Designed by the Mon Calamari for deep space exploration and first contact with alien species, the Home One Subclass of the MC80 line was one of the largest vessels made by the Mon Calamari before the start of the Galactic Civil War. Each Liner was unique, although they all shared a roughly similar basic design, as the Mon Calamari would design and produce each ship as an individual rather than a production run of a single class of ship. Despite their civilian role, these liners still possessed weapons and decent shields to allow the vessel to protect itself from pirates. Found within random starting forces over Mon Calamari and nearby worlds


Much like its Navy, the New Republic Army is a jack of all trades, able to utilize a variety of strategies to accomplish their goals. On the infantry side, the Army Troopers are the general purpose infantry of the New Republic, with the New Republic Marines being more specialized for dealing with enemy infantry. In 10 ABY (Era 4), the Army Troopers are retired in favor of the better-armed and stronger Defense Troopers. In 11 ABY (Era 6), upon building the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV, the New Republic can build Jedi on Yavin IV, giving them a fast lightsaber-wielding team of infantry that can heal nearby allies.

The New Republic's Light Vehicle Forces is made up mostly of repulsor tanks. The T1-B is their primary Anti-Aircraft unit, with their Flak Cannons working well against infantry as well, while the T2-B Tank is geared towards being anti-infantry. The AAC-2 Hovertank is a light anti-vehicle tank, with rockets and a speed boost ability meant for rapid hit and run strikes. The A-A5 Speeder Truck is a light transport unit, able to rapidly transport Republic infantry across the battlefield. The SRV-1 is a bacta truck, able to heal nearby infantry. The T-47 Airspeeder is the New Republic's primary aerial combat speeder, able to take on both infantry and vehicles, but is replaced in 10 ABY by the V-wing Airspeeder, which is a dedicated anti-vehicle unit.

Their Heavy Vehicles are more mixed. The Heavy Tracker is equipped with a large Anti-Vehicle Blaster, with a Sensor Ping ability to spot enemies across the map. The Gallofree HTT-26 is also a support unit, with its purpose being transport of large numbers of infantry across the battlefield. The T3-B Heavy Tank is the New Republic's main battle tank, moving via treads with a heavy AV Blaster and rockets equipped. The T4-B is slower than the T3-B, but more built for sieges. The Freerunner is the Republic's fastest Heavy Tank, using repulsors and having a mixed set of anti-vehicle and anti-infantry weapons. Their main artillery piece is the large MPTL-2a Artillery Tank, a treaded tank that must deploy in order to fire its Proton Missile battery.

Buildable Ground Roster[]

Barracks Production[]

New Republic Barracks Barracks
Unit Icon: Unit Name: Description: Special Notes:
I BUTTON NRI ARMY Army Trooper Platoon Flexible bulk infantry units formed from the assorted SecForces of Alliance Army and the assorted local forces of planets that have pledged their support to the New Republic. Well-equipped with a variety of captured and surplus gear. Locks in 10 ABY
I BUTTON NRI DEFENSE Defense Trooper Platoon Reorganized and standardized New Republic infantry units created due to the high casualties amongst the army in large-scale actions. Better trained and better equipped than many other line infantry. Unlocks in 10 ABY
I BUTTON NRI MARINE Marine Platoon Planetary assault infantry. Reorganized from the Rebel SpecForce units and given standardized marine armor, marines are well-suited for close-assaults on enemy infantry and fortifications but are ill-suited for anti-vehicle work or defensive actions.
I BUTTON JEDI Jedi Knight Squad The Jedi are an order of monks who have served the Light side of the Force since before even the foundation of the Old Republic. While they have long claimed to be keepers of the peace, the Jedi have a long tradition of becoming warriors when challenged by the Dark Side of the Force or other evils that exist in the galaxy. In battle Jedi use their symbolic and near mythical lightsaber as their primary weapon alongside manifesting all kinds of force abilities to support themselves and their allies or to attack their enemies. Buildable from Jedi Praxeum (Yavin IV), Unlocks in 11 ABY - Month 4

Light Vehicle Factory Production[]

New Republic Light Vehicle Factory Light Vehicle Factory
Unit Icon: Unit Name: Description: Special Notes:
I BUTTON T1B T1-B Hovertank A light repulsortank unique for having an anti-air flak pod. It shares a history with other Yutrane-Trackata products by being originally sold to fronts for rebel cells and later the Alliance proper and New Republic. It is best used to eliminate infantry and light vehicles while providing anti-air coverage.
I BUTTON T-2B REPULSOR TANK T2-B Hovertank A medium tank armed with rapid-fire blaster cannons. The successor design to the T1-B that focuses on anti-infantry support. Its repulsorlift engines allow it to maneuver quickly, but its light quad-gun is best suited to engaging smaller threats.
I BUTTON AAC 2 AAC-2 Hovertank A fast and maneuverable light tank perfect for lightning strikes and harassing Imperial walkers. The AAC-2 features added deflector shields, and while a rarer upgrade generally restricted to guarding command bases under the Rebel Alliance the larger resource base of the New Republic allows it to be standard. Locks with AAC-3 Research
I BUTTON AA5 TRUCK A-A5 Speeder Truck A popular Trast Heavy Transports product, the A-A5 Speeder Truck is a rugged vehicle with thick plating to resist hostile environments. It was commonly modified into an APC by many organizations, including the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic.
I BUTTON SRV1 SRV-1 Search and Recovery Vehicle model one, developed by the Alliance of Free Planets upon its inception to provide logistical abilities and battlefield support to now theoretically unified ground forces. Lightly armed to defend itself from infantry attacks and other light vehicles.
I BUTTON REBEL SPEEDER T-47 Airspeeder Converted civilian cargo hauler that serves as an attack and recon craft. Decently durable for its origins and well armed with weaponry suited to engaging light and medium vehicles in this configuration.
I BUTTON VWING V-Wing Airspeeder A heavily armed and armored aerial speeder. It was developed by the New Republic as a low-cost atmospheric interceptor for planetary defense with assistance from the Verpine Colonies that developed the B-wing starfighter. It is able to handily engage enemy air units or harass ground forces.

Heavy Vehicle Factory Production[]

New Republic Heavy Vehicle Factory Heavy Vehicle Factory
Unit Icon: Unit Name: Description: Special Notes:
I BUTTON AAC 3 AAC-3 Hovertank A complete redesign of the original AAC into a larger tank trading speed for power. It was caught in a difficult development process, with allegations of corruption and developer disagreements leading to the cancellation of the original project. Though the work was salvaged and a complete product delivered, the popularity never matched the second entry in the series. Research Required: AAC-3 Research (10 ABY - Month 3)
I BUTTON TRACKER Heavy Tracker A combination of heavy assault and command vehicle that was traditionally used by the Rebel Alliance as a mobile scanning platform but is well-protected and armed enough to be moderately successful in combat.
I BUTTON T-3B T3-B Tracked Tank A heavy battle tank based on an updated T1 chassis. Early models were originally repulsorcraft, but switching to tracks for newer versions allowed additional armor and systems to be added at the cost of mobility. It is expensive for the Rebel Alliance to procure, but it sees more use in the better funded New Republic. It is well suited to frontline combat as little short of an AT-AT can stand up to it.
I BUTTON T-4B TANK T4-B Tracked Tank A heavy battle tank armed with a more rounded armament than the T3-B, the design was initially sold to planetary forces and acquired by the Rebel Alliance when they raided a facility on Aridus. It is slow but durable and well-suited to engaging both armored vehicles and infantry groups while being less vulnerable to flanking attacks than Imperial walkers.
I BUTTON FREERUNNER Armored Freerunner Originally an open-top combat vehicle introduced after the Clone Wars, the Freerunner would see several improvements as its parent company attempted to sell the unpopular product to anyone who could pay for it. It became the standard heavy combat repulsorcraft among Rebel Alliance forces and would see use well into the New Republic.
I BUTTON MPTL TANK MPTL Artillery Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher armed with 9 torpedo launchers capable of very long range destruction. It must deploy in order to fire and is accompanied by a spotter droid to aid in finding targets.
I BUTTON GALLOFREE HTT Gallofree HTT The Gallofree Heavy Troop Transport is an atmospheric troop transport that can carry infantry quickly across the battlefield. It is notable for being one of the few Gallofree Yards products designed for military use.

Mission Rewards/Starting Forces[]

New Republic Mission Reward & Starting Forces Units
Unit Icon: Unit Name: Description:
I button militia tactical unit Defense Force Tactical Unit Company Specialized soldiers of local planetary defense forces with tasks ranging from riot suppression to eliminating small-scale insurgents. Armed with extensive and deadly weaponry by local standards, they also come equipped with riot shields for added protection.
I BUTTON MERCENARY LIGHT Light Mercenary Company Low-rate mercenary forces often rated against backwater powers, wildlife and primitive worlds on the galactic fringe. Equipped with archaic but plentiful weaponry optimized for crowd control and mass attacks.
I button nr infiltrator New Republic Infiltrator Company New Republic commando squads are pulled from prior existing Alliance SpecForce unit and newly established units. Favoring SpecForce infiltrator-style and stolen Imperial armor, they stand contrast with armored marines and amalgamated army units. Fast and well-trained, they are armed primarily to deal with lighter targets and have trouble engaging heavier options on their own.
I BUTTON ANTARIAN RANGER Antarian Ranger Company Private Security Force established to assist the Jedi Order, drawn from those who do not qualify for Jedi Training for a variety of reasons, with combat personnel generally being force sensitive. Often used to support Jedi Knights in the field or perform "dirty work", they are mobile and effective against most targets.
I BUTTON ARATECH520 Aratech Battle Platform The 520 Battle Platform was one of Aratech Repulsor Company's rare forays into heavy vehicles. The platform boasts heavy turrets that rival an AT-AT, four anti-infantry turrets and space for troop transport. The initial prototype was stolen by Garm Bel Iblis, resulting in production delays and a product that ended up in the open market rather than in Imperial hands.
I BUTTON MAS 2XB MAS-2xB Self-Propelled Turbolaser The MAS-2xB Self Propelled Turbolaser was a siege platform designed by the Loronar Corporation and used by the New Republic. The massive vehicle dwarfed even AT-ATs, was extremely slow, and maintenance intensive however in return it brought to the battlefield an extremely potent turbolaser. Some estimates placed the weapon as being on par with the turbolasers of an ISD in terms of firepower, although it has a terrible recharge rate, which allowed the MAS to crack any defense or even target capital ships in the atmosphere. Smaller turbolasers and lasers protected the platform from any threats attempting to get close.